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Transform your Patients' Dental Experience through Virtual Reality.

30% more referrals and appointments.

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3 Reasons to Deploy KeppyVR in Your Dental Practice

At 10X, we revolutionize dental care by making patient visits enjoyable and keeping dentists’ schedules fully booked

The patient with Virtual Reality Glasses

Get +30% apointments

45% of a dentist's patients are referrals. Happy patients generate more referral

3D clock

Save 1.5h of practice time per day

Reduce patient anxiety management time. No need to spend extra time relaxing patients

 3D tooth icon

200% Boost your social media

Amplify your marketing by sharing patients' reviews and experiences with Keppy VR

Appicable for Endodontists, Oral surgeons, Orthodontists, Pedodontist, Prosthodontists

The patient with Virtual Reality Glasses

Compact  Design
More room for the dentist

Immersive Content

Easy to add/edit content list

Sound Isolation 

Dirrective speakers in glasses

With cutting-edge design and advanced technology, our system’s XR headsets are lightweight and small making them easy for patients to wear while providing enough space for the doctor to operate. 

Keppy Pro system installation on Dental chair

The most compact, visually powerful, smart solution in the industry

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Easy attached to light arm

Portable Controller

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Highly Flexible & User Friendly

Keppy VR app

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Super Lightweight n

XR Headset

10 out of 10 patients

who had experienced Keppy VR prefer to continue having the same VR experience for every appointment thereafter.

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